Perl feed handler on Windows
The purpose of these instructions is to show how to automate ssh login and get a programmatic handle on the streaming data using DWIM Perl on Windows along with CPAN module NET:SSH:Perl.
These instructions assume you do not already have a version of Perl installed. To verify whether you have Perl installed, launch the Command Prompt window and type 'perl -v'. If Perl is already installed you will receive version information. If it is not installed you will receive a 'not recognized' response.
DWIM Perl is a time tested stable version of Strawberry Perl. If you already have a late version of Strawberry Perl installed you can omit Perl installation and proceed to just install NET:SSH:Perl.
If instead of Strawberry Perl you have Active Perl or some other distribution of Perl installed, the instructions for installing NET:SSH:Perl may need to be appropriately adopted.
Start by installing DWIM Perl. To do so please download and run the 'exe' file at the bottom of this page. Once installed, launch a new Command Prompt window and type 'perl -v'. [Do not use an existing window which was already opened prior to installation for this test]. If Perl is correctly installed you will get the version information instead of the 'not recognized' response.
Next run the command: cpan App:cpanminus (in the Command Prompt window)
This will initialize and setup the management environment for installation of CPAN modules. (It may take up to 3 minutes for installation to complete).
Next run the command: cpanm Net:SSH:Perl (in the Command Prompt window)
This will install the module which is required to run ssh and automate login. (It may take up to 5 minutes for installation to complete).
Next open the editor Notepad and create the file: connect.txt
containing the following Perl code:
------------------------start code--------------------------
use Net::SSH::Perl;
$ENV{"TERM"} = "vt100";
$ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new("",port => 6174,protocol => 2);
------------------------end code----------------------------
You can now run the code inside a Command Prompt window as follows:
cd <path to connect.txt>
perl connect.txt
If you have purchased Login Credentials:
Replace username: rt01.demo
and password: rtfxd
in above code with the purchased credentials.